Charli XCX – Brat and it’s Completely Different but also Still Brat | Colored VInyl 2LP


מספר תקליטים באלבום: 2

תאריך יציאה: צפוי בסוף ינאור

ניתן להזמנה מראש


שנת יציאה: 2024


A1 360
A2 Club Classics
A3 Sympathy Is A Knife
A4 I Might Say Something Stupid
A5 Talk Talk
B6 Von Dutch (A. G. Cook Remix)
B7 Everything Is Romantic
B8 Rewind
B9 So I
B10 Girl, So Confusing
B11 Apple
C12 B2b
C13 Mean Girls
C14 I Think About It All The Time
C15 365
C16 Guess
D17 360
D18 Club Classics
D19 Sympathy Is A Knife
D20 I Might Say Something Stupid
D21 Talk Talk
D22 Von Dutch
E23 Everything Is Romantic
E24 Rewind
E25 So I
E26 Girl, So Confusing
E27 Apple
E28 B2b
F29 Mean Girls
F30 I Think About It All The Time
F31 365
F32 Hello Goodbye
F33 Guess
F34 Spring Breakers

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