David Sylvian – Gone To Earth 2LP


מספר תקליטים באלבום: 2

המלאי אזל

הודיעו לי כשיחזור למלאי


תאריך יציאה: 43518

A1. Taking The Veil
A2. Laughter & Forgetting
A3. Before The Bullfight
A4. Gone To Earth
B1. Wave
B2. River Man
B3. Silver Moon
C1. The Healing Place
C2. Answered Prayers
C3. Where The Railroad Meets The Sea
C4. The Wooden Cross
C5. Silver Moon Over Sleeping Steeples
D1. Camp Fire : Coyote Country
D2. A Bird Of Prey Vanishes Into A Bright Blue Cloudless Sky
D3. Home
D4. Sunlight Seen Through Towering Trees
D5. Upon This Earth

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